Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Muver's Day

My mummy who is watching me from up above...   
It's the end of the day and as I began posting my daily photo for the Instagram thread Photo a day May, so many thoughts and emotions came flashing by as I thought about Mother's Day and motherhood. Warning this may get a little sappy...
I first was woken with "Mummy, Happy Muver's Day, check under your pillow!" I guess I was sleeping on this card the entire night and didn't even notice. She's so sneaky. 
While we were getting ready for Sunday service she practiced the song that the primary children would be singing later that morning. I always melt into a blubbering ball of tears every year that I hear the primary children sing. I get so overwhelmed with emotions of how blessed I am to have been given such a precious and wonderful gift. 
We live so very far from our birth mothers so while I called mine on the phone, Maribel made this special card for hers. We delivered it the fastest way possible, posted on her facebook wall. Gotta love technology and social media.
After tucking my little red head into bed safe and sound with her favourite stuffies and sweet music, I recluse back to my room to take one more look at my Mother's Day goodies. 
I can't help but be grateful for this wonderful gift of motherhood. 
Today in one of the talks a mother related a story about how a mother was in a shopping line with her kids and while being typical kids in a checkout and a lady behind her says, "Aren't you just loving every minute? Treasure every precious moment because they grow up so fast." 
It's so true. As I look at how much my little onion has grown in these short years I really do try to enjoy as much of it as I can. I mean, I'm not perfect and yes there are days that I countdown til bedtime, but overall I have heard and have been told that they grow up so fast so I am doing my best to really enjoy this journey. I have been given this gift. Such a special gift she is to me since she was literally given to me to raise as my own and to love so deeply.
Adoption is just another word for More to Love. 
And so now I will bid you all a wonderful Mother's Day or "Muver's Day" as Maribel says it and take to bed a very full and happy heart. 

1 comment:

Auntie Em said...

Beautiful post Jenn! I love the Mother's Day's Cards you two crafty ladies created. :)