and here I thought I'd be able to slap Abe on the knee....yeah not even close
This is the layout I did for SkrapnChat's August LO Tag. It seems that the only pages I have been able to do lately have been for the monthly LO tags, but hey, at least I'm getting some done!
On another note, I have another crochet project on the go. It's the only thing that I can do in the same room as DH. He's so chatty at night that it messes my scrapping mojo but I found that I can crochet with him while we watch movies. So bring on the yarn and hooks!
I can't wait to finish this one! I keep sneaking in stitches every chance I get.
I wanted to share some of my favourite things this month plus some good deals. With Joe still out of work, we've been watching our pennies but I can't help myself when I come across the "too good to pass up" deals. It also seems that red is my colour for August.
Mastering the Art of French Cooking; Throw out 50 Things; new Martha punch (love hoe it folds up for easy storage); Dr Martan's for $15 at Ross I remember paying $120 for my oxford docs several years ago; strawberry purse I crocheted for Maribel; stackable measuring cups from Anthroplogie; strawberry dish from Joann's; pin cushion that was my mother's; crocheted fruit from Ana Paula's book "Seriously Cute Crochet"; Sassafras "Me Likey" pp line; and Tucan earrings my dad bought me one business trip
And the winner of my lil giveaway is.......
YAY! Send me an email (the address is on the side) with your addy and I'll get this little sussie in the mail pronto!
I'm soooooo excited to try out her recipes, especially her 'Boeuf Bourguignon'. It looked so good in the movie ;0)
And since I got my gift to myself in the mail today, I think it's time to pay it forward and hold a little give away myself. Wouldn't it be nice to receive a little packet of goodies in your mailbox?
So tell me. What do you like to cook? Leave a comment and one random person will be getting this little prezzie from me :P
Happy cooking/baking/ordering!
Please note: if you're posting using the 'anonymous' please put your first name so I don't have to guess who you are, although guessing games can be fun ;-)
I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that Maribel could order her meals on her own when we stop at a certain undisclosed fast food chain. The hint is in the card I'm ashamed to say. I really want her to grow up with an appreciation of cooking and to feel the blessings of eating healthy and at a dinner table, not the car or couch.
But there is some good news, I finally found my passion for cooking after 2 1/2 years of detesting my kitchen. *insert happy dance here* I figured out why I hated my kitchen so much; it's because I had no counter space and the stuff I didn't use were all on the counters. Get rid of the clutter and the extra cookware and utensils and Voila! A passion for cooking is reborn and a delicious meal is the reward! Now Maribel helps me in the kitchen every chance possible. Needless to say Joe is super happy with that ;0)
Maribel loves helping in the kitchen too. She makes such a cute cook!
Oh, and I have another group of items gathered together to donate. I'm not sure I'm liking this "groups of like items count as 1" bit, but the book clearly states that like items are grouped as 1 item. Aye yayi.
my throw out score card: hamilton smoothie mixer, two serving platters with matching vase
I wanted to begin my journey with a sort of dedication layout to all the things that I want to shed. This list contains both material and emotional items that I want to "throw out" along with some positive things that I want to bring in.
Scrapbooking is my personal therapy treatment on any given day,(can't say it's any cheaper then seeing someone with a degree but atleast it's something I can look back at later and remember the times ;0) This layout really helped me sort through the things that are cluttering my life right now and focus on the important things which I hold so dear.
So I started in my kitchen. It's no secret that I truly despise my kitchen, always have, but I am determined to take charge and make it the way I want. I'm hoping that my desire to cook will return with a new kitchen makeover. Plus with my Julia Child cookbook on it's way I want to be ready!
This is what I have been able to purge so far (big step for me, I know!)
It's kind of a slow start but it's a start none the less. I feel so liberated already, just imagine how it will feel when it's all said and done? I can't wait! Well, I guess I better get back to work and see what else I can purge while I'm on a roll!
my throw out score card: cookbook stand, old spice rack that had 6 yr old spices in it, stainless steel cooking utensils (I have the kind of cookware that can't take stainless steel cookware so out it goes,) unused candles, napkin holder, some random painting that I don't like, WTPooh birthday candles (yes brand new,)a Christmas tree spoon rest, and a stone oil burner that Joe found that I don't use.
Total items:9
note: my LO was lifted from Elizabeth Kartchner's "to-do list" LO. I loved how she listed her to-do list and was totally inspired to do the same for my '50 things'
I have lost my mo and jo for almost two months and it feels so good to have them back. Even if it's only for a couple of layouts. At least I'm using my supplies that I love to collect ;0)!
I also did one for this month's LO Tag over at SkrapnChat. I can't show it to you yet, but I'll give you a teensie peek ;0) Scrapping makes me happy :0)
Ever since our trip to the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History, and I hear Julia Child's name I think of my dear sister in-law Anna. We had the chance to see Julia's kitchen among other awesome things, but I was too pooped so Anna went to check out the kitchen with Jay while I stayed behind. Kicking myself now. But here is the photo that Anna took
This is where I must make a confession. I have never heard of Julia Child until that day let alone what she was famous for. Seriously.
Turns out that my SIL is a big fan (which I also didn't know until then either, sheesh I'm not going to win the "I know my SIL" award this year) and when she says "First you take the bird..." in her "Julia" voice, I can't help but chuckle. It sounds so funny to me.
So when I saw that there was a movie coming out about Julia Child, I immediately texted her with an, "Are you going?" She hadn't heard about it so I made up my mind that she's going because I am going to see to it that she does. That's what great sisters in-laws do ;0)
And that brings us to tonight. We (Anna, and my sweet mother in-law and I) went to check out a late night showing and I left the theatre with with a... (think of the right word and put it here...nope can't think of it so I'll use) strong desire to try out Julia's recipes for myself. The food in the movie looked so delish that I left there feeling hungry. I swear at times I thought I could smell those succulent dishes they were making.
I have wanted to start cooking again and frankly I really did enjoy it very much. I just hate my kitchen but I am working on that. So I now have a copy of Mastering the Art of French Cooking on order. Yup. As soon as I got home I went to my fave online bookstore and purchased myself a copy and a lil som som to get free shipping. I just hope I have the 'tools' needed to make these dishes that left my drooly glands salavitating* for 2 hrs and 3 mins!
Ooooh they looked so good! By the way, I give this movie 2 thums up! Don't forget to turn off the music on the side before playing.
*I know it's salivate but for the longest time I thought the other word was correct. But thanks to my living dictionary/thesaurus aka Victoria, I now know the correct word. It's not as fun to say if you ask me
6 years ago today at 1:30pm Joseph and I said our forever 'I Do's'. Which also means I've lived in Florida for 6 years too. wow! where did the time go?!? Tonight we will be celebrating with dinner at a cute Italian restaurant called Il Pescatore and this time I'm getting dessert! heehee Ah L'amore Y
I often ask myself how I got to be so lucky to have so much to lose. I feel so blessed to have Joeseph by my side. He puts up with a lot from me and that alone deserves an award for the most steadfast! Love you babe MUAH!!!
Eternity is a long time and I'm going to enjoy every moment of it!
Happy Anniversary sweetheart!
Thank you so much Grandma and Grandpa and Aunty Anna for watching our little boo for us.
I came into work this morning to find a card sitting on my pc from my dear sweet friend. Thank you so much for the sweet prezzie Jen You are too awesome for words! ;0)
While enjoying a nice quiet lunch at my favourite book store, I happened upon this book. I was immediately drawn to title and the more I read, the more I felt like it was written for me.
It talks about not only clearing your life of the material clutter but the mental clutter as well so you can regain your life. With the new changes that are happening right now, there really isn't no time like the present for me to start de-cluttering!
I have so much surplus in scrapbooking supplies and beading supplies and yarn, that I thought it would be kinda fun to hold some giveaways too :0) Soooo as I come across some bundles of stuff, I'll post a pic of the freebees and all you would have to do is leave a fun comment and viola! You're entered! Fun eh? I think so too!
I always love to give things away, and who knows, I might throw in something from my etsy shop too. We'll see. Teehee!
Months ago I had this discussion with my dear friend Jen about bread in a can. I have never heard of such crazyness and frankly, I didn't believe her. Until now. Canned Bread
This is not a joke. This is a for real can of brown raison bread, and yes Jen, I will be serving it with my baked beans and franks! ;0)